European Federation of Foundation Contractors

Grand Palais

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Climate Change: Solutions from the Construction Industry

Paris, 04 December 2015

A co-organised conference by FIEC and CICA on ” Climate change : Solutions from the construction industry”

The European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) and CICA are organising a Conference on ” Climate change : Solutions from the construction industry” in Paris on December 4th.

The French Federation of Public Works (FNTP), in partnership with the French Building Federation (FFB), will host this event which will take place in the premises of Maison des Travaux Publics – 3, rue de Berri, 75008 Paris.

The construction industry is a key sector in terms of what can be done to address climate change, with regard to both mitigation and adaptation. Hence, FIEC and CICA have been supporting their members on the path towards low carbon markets. In parallel to the forthcoming 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris, our members and partners will present their contributions.

During this international conference on « Climate change: the solutions from the construction industry », in parallel to COP21, FIEC intends to propose specific actions for the next decade and present examples of European best practices.

CICA is supporting the afternoon part of the conference which will focus on connecting finance and innovation for a sustainable urban development.

High-level speakers such as Hervé LE TREUT (IPCC), Gérard PAYEN (United Nations), Claude TURMES (Member of the European Parliament) have already confirmed their presence.

High-level representatives from the World Bank, World Road Association, Middle East Technical University, DG CLIMA of the European Commission, KfW, CDC Climat and other well-known actors of the construction sector will also participate to the different roundtables.

The conference will also put in perspective the issues of climate change with the upcoming COP22 in Morocco and Habitat III Conference on Sustainable Urban Development in Quito.

This conference is of interest to public and private stakeholders, and to investors in the sector.

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