It has been agreed that the next DFI-EFFC Conference shall take place in Bruges, Belgium in May 2025. Maurice Bottiau of ABEF is leading the planning of the conference at local level.
The organisers are interested in exploring how the industry is being changed by technology, sustainability and the potential to contract more collaboratively. There shall also be a strong technical programme and a more space made for early careers people. It is intended there be a good strand of talks, seminars and sessions for them in the programme where they can present and meet others. It is also hoped an interactive area within the exhibition hall can be provided where students and delegates can use VR to view jobsites, experience simulators and see some more of the technological aspects of the industry.
In the past two conferences we have featured keynotes from clients building megaprojects. In Bruges we would like to explore widening this out to make the event even more relevant to contractors who serve other markets.
More details will be shared as they are agreed.