via WebEX Conference Call, 23 April 2020 - 23 April 2020
First Contracts WG meeting of 2020
Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19 this meeting (which was scheduled to take place in London) will now be held via WebEx conference call.
Topics for general discussion will include:
- The impact of COVID-19 on different member countries
- Resulting contractual implications (if any)
- Is there a need for an EFFC response regarding contracts?
Collaborative Working & Digitisation
- The benefits/pitfalls of collaborative working & digitisation for project planning
- What contracts might work best for this?
Cash Retention
- Discussion of EFFC retention survey results (2019)
- Proposal to create an EFFC paper on retention schemes
EFFC General Contract Conditions
- Further discussion about creating an EFFC general contract for use across European borders
Note: The Contracts working group does not discuss project pricing or engage in any anti-competitive behaviour.
If you are interested in the work of the EFFC Contracts WG please email for more information.