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EFFC Carbon Reporting Training Webinar
The EFFC have started an initiative to support companies with reporting their carbon consumption.
Due to legislation and client demand companies are being driven to start reporting on their scope 1 (direct fuel) & scope 2 (indirect electric) emissions in a similar way to financial reporting.
The EFFC is looking to gather carbon emissions data from a group of companies in order to benchmark carbon consumption by quarter. This we are doing using a simple online form and the webinar will explain this process.
Many companies across the UK (including all FPS members) and Europe have already signed up to the initiative. This webinar offers instruction to those companies. This will help to benchmark progress over time towards net zero as well as helping to identify what industry interventions are having an impact.

Chris Harnan
Chris has over 46 years’ experience across UK and international markets and is Managing Director of Ceecom Consult, a geotechnical consultancy specialising in forensic engineering and expert witness work.
After graduating with a 1st Class Honours Degree in Civil Engineering, Chris worked for several deep foundation contractors before becoming Managing Director of Bachy Soletanche.
He is the current Chair of the EFFC Sustainability Working Group and also Deputy Chair of the EFFC/DFI Tremie Concrete and Support Fluids Task Groups. He also represents the EFFC on three working groups at the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC).

Luke Deamer
Luke is Group Sustainability Manager for Keller. He recently carried out a PhD focused on supporting the adoption of improved sustainable processes across all function of a geotechnical company.
Luke has authored several papers on geotechnical company sustainability and sits on the FPS and EFFC Sustainability Working Groups. He has previously worked as a structural geologist on the Panama Canal and the Oman Drilling Project.